
The Bookkeeper's Library

My library was created to keep woke censorship away from my books and to avoid unfair algorithms. Logging in gets you early access to one extra chapter. Like, and comment for a chance to win a free month subscription and earn points! Shop coming soon. :D

My library was created to keep woke censorship away from my books and to avoid unfair algorithms. Logging in gets you early access to one extra chapter. Like, and comment for a chance to win a free month subscription and earn points!

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Lewder Manga

Lewder manga illustrations, for now just Princess Space Marine Number 2218 starting on page 11. Can’t guarantee every chapter will have a lewd illustration as the focus is story, but there will be manga every chapter.

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NSFW Gallery! Currently 11 Illustrations. My library doesn’t produce smut unless the story specifically calls for it.

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No matter how odd anime and manga get, I will never support censorship of it. I put my life on that. Anyone who does, I hope you run out of toilet paper.

Early Access

Get early access to the last chapter posted! Supporters and Backers will be able to read ahead one chapter!

Lewder Manga

Lewder manga illustrations, for now just Princess Space Marine Number 2218 starting on page 11. Can’t guarantee every chapter will have a lewd illustration as the focus is story, but there will be manga every chapter.

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All chapters will be free eventually but you can get access to two more chapters!

NSFW Gallery

NSFW Gallery! Currently 11 Illustrations. My library doesn’t produce smut unless the story specifically calls for it.

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Anime Haters Say She’s Too Thick

Don’t Worry, There Are No Spoilers Past This Point!

About The Creators

Buddy Daddies, written by Vio Shimokura, best known for his work in Steins;Gate, and Yuko Kakihara who worked on Urusei Yatsura, an anime that brandishes the classic anime art style, but I digress. Worked on by Aniplex, Buddy Daddies is an anime about two assassins who, thanks to unfortunate events, find themselves caring for a bubbly four-year-old named Miri Unasaka, voiced by Japanese voice actress Hina Kino and English dubbed by Chinese actress Emi Lo.

About The Anime’s Controversy

Having watched episode three we realize that the anime is an amazing mix of serious, comedic, wholesome, and sad in that order. I even found myself tearing up a little in a way I’ve not felt since the anime called, Made In Abyss. While currently having high ratings across many platforms, it seems to have angered a few people for the sexualization of the young character Miri Unasaka specifically for this 14-second clip below of her playing hide and seek. While anime lovers are aware of anime’s provocative nature, we can all agree that this isn’t that. Keep in mind that this is just one of many prime examples of why western culture should never have any form of control over anime and manga.


The Bookkeeper

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